Animal Flow With Me

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I changed my career in my early 50's and retrained as a personal trainer and animal flow coach. I now love working with clients and seeing them attain their fitness goals. I love most aspects of fitness training, though my passion lies with Animal Flow.

In the last 2 years, I have focussed my own training and my classes and one-to-ones on teaching Animal Flow. It compliments so many other aspects of fitness and often ‘fills the gaps’ with other activities to improve body awareness, flexibility, strength, balance, and proprioception.

Currently, all my sessions are online, but I also love to teach face to face and outside.

One of the many great things about Animal Flow is having the opportunity to flow with a group of people in synch – it’s a great feeling!

My main focus is on FUN and ENJOYMENT! I will always tailor moves to allow for all abilities. With Animal Flow you can have people of all abilities performing the same moves but the focus and intention can be completely different for each individual.

During the classes, I encourage interaction and any questions. (often someone else is probably thinking of asking the same thing!). Also, I am always happy to answer questions via email or WhatsApp afterward if you would rather ask in confidence.